Writing / Translation


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My poems have appeared in the commonplace book, To Die No More, (Blind Pony Books), Prelude Magazine, The Cossack Review, Juked, Tammy, Unearthed, and the Corbel Stone Press Contemporary Poetry Series. My previous manuscript, The Palliative Suite, was twice a finalist in the National Poetry Series, in 2018 and 2019. Work on my recent book, A Perfectly Ruined Solitude, was supported by a 2019 Saltonstall Foundation residency and was published in January 2023 by Sublunary Editions. Another volume of poetry is in preparation, tentatively titled Plans for War. Also underway is a screenplay adaptation of Arthur Conan Doyle’s disturbing short story, “J. Habakuk Jephson’s Statement”.


My translations have been featured at the 2011 Wave Books Poetry Festival (Rilke), in the journals Reliquae (Hans Jürgen von der Wense, Novalis, Hugo Ball, and Franz Hessel; translated in partnership with Herbert Pföstl) and Firmament (Rilke, Walser), TANK magazine (Wense), and in the chapbook Ten Poems by Thomas Bernhard.

2020 saw the publication of a book-length selection, the first in English, from the works of Hans Jürgen von der Wense (A Shelter for Bells, Epidote Press), translated with Herbert Pföstl. My translations of Rilke’s breakthrough persona poems, The Voices & Other Poems, were published in early 2021 by Sublunary Editions/Lamplight Editions. The book was longlisted for the 2022 PEN America Award for Poetry in Translation.

The first complete English translation of Robert Walser’s earliest manuscript, Saite und Sehnsucht (Heartstring and Longing) along with the remainder of his pre-WWI verse have been published under the title My Heart Has So Many Flaws (Sublunary, 2024).

Waiting in the wings is a volume of the intense and peculiar work of Austrian poet Ernst Herbeck, who spent most of his life committed to an asylum, a diagnosed schizophrenic.

A fine press edition of Adalbert Stifter’s moving essay about the total solar eclipse of 1842 will appear in June, 2024 from The Brother in Elysium.